Sunday, February 27, 2011

What Kind Of Doctor Would Treat Bursitis

50 years Kraetsch: Gala and costume meeting

(26.02.11) The gala costume and sitting in the Kraetsch Ronneburg hall was sold out. There were extra tables and chairs provided. And these were all occupied. Such an event ever to start well.
The development of the Garden is a success story as one can see that evening. Here the Kraetsch very proud of this achievement and it will be interesting what they will prepare for the next campaign.
The lively speeches you now have four speakers from the ranks. Too bad that the protocol has not occurred from within the company. Of course, it is commendable to give young people and children the opportunity at the events of their own association to occur. But you might have to accept or reject a Büttenredner any other club and it started the session with the report of the Protocol. Sure, here writes a politically interested person. But Carnival has to be really just a party and without politics?

The CTC Kraetsch


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