There is the law prescribed by the club agenda. But there is always something to learn. Such a member was given only the thanks of many years of work and praise for his efforts (eg the construction and maintenance of fences of the association). And since the name "Wren" but a whole new meaning ;-)
could also get we learn that the different views is known to design its own small garden by some contemporaries as different "garden ideologies".
Incidentally, the Chairman Nils King mentions the successful cooperation with the student store "bush-pirates" and the Protestant kindergarten "Nazareth-snake" for two generations gardens of the club.
that afternoon were also taken decisions by major financial implications: The Board was asked to take care of a solution to the snow-clearing snow. Here are the small garden clubs demanded the same extent as private landowners on public sidewalks the snow shovels to. In addition, the members approved the budget for the first fence renewal. Whether
really in the years to own the sidewalks, street names are given, to be seen. Here are some - not entirely serious - Proposals: Mohnweg, Hanfweg and Cannabisweg.
Kleingartenverein Eckenheim
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