VDK local group Eckenheim Eschersheim
dates 2011
invitation to Kreppelkaffee
on Wednesday 02/23/2011 in the Meeting house Dörpfeldstr.6
14.30-17.00 clock
Kreppel saturated and coffee Musical Entertainment
Torsten Schmitt
The event is free, other than cold drinks
Registration requested
Saturday, 04/30/2011
annual general meeting and election of the board members only
Wednesday, 25/05/2011
day trip departure 9:30 Dörpfeldstr.
The destination will be notified on Kreppelkaffee
Saturday, 18/06/2011
Ronneburgstr street party.
Wednesday, 08/03/2011
general meeting in the Meeting house Dörpfeldstr.6
Wednesday, 05/10/2011
day trip departure 9:30 Dörpfeldstr.
Attraction still open
Saturday, 11/26/2011
year-end party (Christmas)
Musical entertainment for free coffee and pastries participation
Meeting House Dörpfeldstr.6 14.30-17.00 clock
Mrs. Mandela Tel.069/522796
Mrs. Weigel Tel.069/511376
Mr. Buss Tel.069/54805431
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