On 25 September 2010 celebrated the Eckenheimer allotment holders in the 90th house Ronneburg Anniversary of their club. About 300 guests were with interesting artists such as comedian Samy Tavalis and the ventriloquist Pierre Ruby that strained the funny bone of viewers, and the magician Kai-Miachel Schmid (photo: left), who not only brought the children to marvel at, a very entertaining and enjoy fun evening.
provided for the musical program, the Mixed Choir of the Germania and the Preungesheim Fidelen Eckenheimer. The evening was the audience our GFD. Sigi Herold (photo: right) from Frankfurt's Theater Green Sauce.
City Council presented Mr. Warner noted in his greeting: "Who is healthy with 90, has the chance to be 100 and I note that the P / E corner home is healthy.." This is of course an incentive and motivation for all of us, and given this show we look forward now to the 100th Anniversary in 10 years.
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