Monday, November 29, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Breadman Repair Parts
"Everything rejoices, all laughs - Fassenacht for Fidel"
This is the motto of the campaign of 2011, Fidelen Eckenheimer .
On 06 February are the Fidelen in the "Meeting House" at the Social Centre Marbachweg to host and organize a meeting seniors. Start is at 15:11 clock. Maps Gibts about the social center at Marbachweg .
The Kostümitzung is on Saturday 12 February the fools from home corner, Preungesheim environment and enjoy. 20:11 clock to march the assets of Fidelen Eckenheimer in the Narhalla in the hall Ronneburg one. Hans-Jürgen Schmidt, President meeting has again put a program together with many highlights. Following the good three-hour program, the band " VisaVis " to dance. Admission is 12 €.
men and women sit separately at Friday, Mar 04 where Da-He, as it is now named after 10 successful years. A program of show and comedy with a touch Fassenacht brings a great party atmosphere in the house Ronneburg . Start is at 19:31 clock, and admission is 15 €.
Kids Carnival is on Carnival Saturday and Shrove Tuesday, 05th and 08 March, announced in the hall Ronneburg . Clown Beppo , the Garden of Fidel and numerous stage activities for children make this afternoon for children and adults entertaining and unforgettable. Intake from 14 clock, the start is at 15:11 clock. Admission is 2.50 €.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
How Much Is Bus From Montreal To Fredericton
Recently Google Street View for Germany is available.
While Google Maps does the world only from above, one can see on Google Street View the world from the perspective of a driver. Years, cars drove through the streets of Google and photographed the busy streets of Germany from (At least the streets of Berlin, Bielefeld, Bochum, Bonn, Bremen, Dortmund, Dresden, Duisburg, Dusseldorf, Essen, Frankfurt / Main, Hamburg, Hannover, Cologne, Leipzig, Mannheim, Munich, Nuremberg, Stuttgart and Wuppertal). In other countries there
Street View for several years.
were undertaken with the work for Germany, there was so much opposition and protests than in any other country (by private people, and of politics)! The clamor for data protection and privacy was typical German according loud!
on news sites such as "The West" there were almost daily smear campaign against Google Street View and more than once a Detailed instructions how to leave his house at Pixelize Street View ...
abroad, Germany has now been nicknamed "Blurmany" get (pun blur = blur, many = a lot).
is now launched the service, and oh surprise: after all the protests in no other country in such a rush as now in Germany!
That's so typical German again -.-
I can really imagine how such bitter old bags have to be pixelated paranoia their house or apartment, but go immediately to stare at others! All want to see, but do not show anything ...
addition is now a day "by mistake" reports and "accidentally" pixelated Houses (eg headquarters of the Greens).
For those morons are some counter-campaigns: Pixelated houses of private persons and then photographed again with the Google's own service Panoramio on Google Maps published
XD Anyone who thinks having to hide something that makes even more attention to himself!
Links: Google Maps
Download Google Earth
The West "Street View" article
I find Google Street View and think it is great pity that it is not for the Mülheim . Hopefully soon!
way: If in an apartment building only a resident has requested the pixelation (and even if the other residents have nothing to publish), the entire house pixelated! Panoramio helps here too;)
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Cervix Low And Very Soft
I once the bank statements for the last 3 months by then and looked once calculated that I spend a month on average.
The result: what I earn goes completely away again, or in other words, money that I have I also give out ^ ^ save with is nothing, I have no reserves, but I rely on no debt!
All Share up like so:
festivals, monthly expenses: 43% from the salary
They are rent, electricity, GEZ, car insurance, Internet, cell phone, saving contract and so on.
purchases: 16% from the salary
supermarkets, beverage stores (which was paid by debit card and I'll almost always)
money from vending machine: 14% from the salary
cash I give mostly in pubs and discos from (party must be!), a small part in supermarkets, pizzerias and what to hold or pay as cash.
Special issues: 27% from the salary
These are credit card statements, purchase orders on the internet and whatever else arises from the series. Almost all the expenditure does not necessarily have to be ... ^ ^
When I next year would like to get a driving license and then I will still buy a car, my additional costs of around 240 to 300 euros a month (loan rates, insurance, taxes, gasoline). By May the luck of the rate of credit paid off my scooter and my credit card charge is always lower (if I have a car, I'll sell two of my three scooters / motorcycles). Then I have to get used to me just a little less to buy "crap" and already I'm out the money for the car (the monthly payment ...)!
would it be a problem only when I would suddenly earn significantly less money (unlikely, but could happen). Of unemployment I will not even think oO ... or I would have otherwise less money available ...
also replied to the question why I do not want to be in my larger property: I can not afford! Compared to my current apartment would cost me about 180 € more ... Instead of car does not even work because I am dependent on a car when I lived there.
So in summary:
is financially right now and in the near future, everything's alright (though a bit short)!
main work continues to run so I will not be unemployed, my condo is rented to and there are no expensive, sudden, necessary purchases up to me. But there are still some opportunities in an emergency to save a little money. The
calms a bit ^ ^
Friday, November 19, 2010
انمي ترتوري
my life I always had something against sleeping pills!
to chemical and fear of the many side effects ... I have better natural resources such as valerian or dream herb, and the like taken.
The last time I had always worse sleep problems (sleep, but also by sleep) and it was now back to a switch from night shift to day shift.
So I decided to go finally to buy sleeping pills: "Sleeping Stars" by Retorta , 20 pieces for around 4 €.
Last night while I was somewhat tired, but I've also maintaining sleep problems: Even if I should fall asleep, I wake up after about 2 hours again and then again to the need to sleep hours!
I have you as a tablet taken against clock 19:30 (according to package insert can you take a maximum of two) and went to bed against 20 clock. All day I have no other tablets, teas or alcohol taken to me - for fear of interactions;)
I must have fallen asleep pretty fast and only shortly after 1 clock I woke up once drenched in sweat just as well go back to sleep quickly.
decreased by 4 clock was ringing. I was on the news and "We Are The People" of "Empire Of The Sun" aroused - so the day starts well to ^ ^
I must say I am much more rested, fitter and better mood than usual! Super stuff!
The pills seem to help so very good! This one may not only have become a habit ... I will probably only take to change from night to day shifts (the next I'll probably only in February 2011 have) and perhaps in extreme cases ... It must be noted that we also need sufficient time to rest! If I must, for example, before 4-5 hours later to get up again, it will be too expensive to take a sleeping pill!
So, do now ready for work ...
Monday, November 15, 2010
Tequila Sunrise Delta Guppy Information
Friday, 15 clock, directly from work without having to change to Hamburg, completely worn since arrived, packed my stuff into the apartment with A., just wondering whether you should not go to sleep right .... oh "a short "of beer at the Jolly else is in it ... self-deception olé ;-) In any case, eventually landed at a student party at which I seemed to me Now as a grandfather ... after all, gabs, thanks friend for free alcohol, since one could then live with the fact that one is tilted from first-fault itself over a Mexican polo shirt (note to self: Stupid Sayings revenge ;-)) and it will reverberate with Euro-dance, which seems to be fashionable again grad apparently hard ... The youth of today has no style anymore ;-)
were also very interesting that the political messages on banners hung everywhere in the different rooms .. wanted .. which does not quite fit for the audience amused themselves on this party. The Left is indeed no longer what it once was, because of that .... That is clear: the messages I would have immediately signed ....
Eventually, it was then, six clock and then we moved our times but towards the bed, not before but quickly get into the hill a couple of rolls for breakfast in a few hours, awesome that we still could think ahead that far. Along the way, the hill park crosses and included all sorts of ideas about the Moevenpick hotel to sell out of the water tower. But they were good, would have long since someone made I'm sure ;-)
was called after a few hours sleep it to stand up again, and I was surprised by my condition completely. I was doing that is dazzling. And after a night .... Well, had breakfast, from the fan shop, the usual suspects Greetings, bought the usual Imprimate (Gazzetta, in the Streets of Hamburg) and the rather unusual one at that. (The end of the world from the broad side, has entertained me brilliantly on the way back in the direction of Zurich)
Then went early to the AFM-container because I N. "Against the wall" or to the fan club spokesman wanted Council homepage. Result will probably soon to "admire" in :-) I woke up I said, surprisingly, without any hangover symptoms, the beer tasted excellent :-) Then again about an hour before kick-off to the stadium. There are certainly easier opponent than Bayer Leverkusen, the do have a pretty strong team together. But our point was just already rely FC after three defeats last episode. Now in the first half, pointing rather little attention to points of growth. The Werkself superior but rather, that more game units and a significant chance Plus. But thanks to Kessler and non-poor overall defensive performance and also with a little luck (as Zambrano just before the break in the penalty area against Barnetta came too late, I was was very surprised there is no penalty) gave our guys the 0-0 up at half-time break. After the break, suddenly a different picture. St.Pauli-represented in the two battles, with more steam to the front and with continued the game with the clearly better opportunities. Asamoah alone had three times in a promising position the ball on the foot, but that fritters away in sequence or simply had bad luck since his graduation from the inside of the post jumped back into play. And so it came as it had come. In the 81.Minute at a few of the more offensive actions by Bayer in the second half, the ball was suddenly in the net. 0-1. Although St.Pauli ran the last 10 minutes again with all his strength, but did not succeed in the balance. Such defeats are very frustrating. It has also seen time and again that one could survive in this league, but the details will then decide the game in favor of the Bundesliga experienced opponent. One problem we currently have definitely on the offensive. In the second division it is compatible even if one omits containing many good opportunities because they simply get more of it and then then go have a look of 10 chances two. But in the first division you get promoted as a grade containing only 3-4 such good opportunities and you have to use then just stop. Do not you, you lose hold such games. The 16th Space is still so just 3 points away. Now we need over the next three games against Wolfsburg and Kaiserslautern in between home and abroad in Bremen at least 4-6 points will be available for her winter break on a non-relegation zone. And that is anything but easy ...
After the game I was pretty depressed and I let the project to go to the demonstration against the interior ministers conference fall. A wise decision as it later turned out for me. As we consumed before the wine bar "rough leggere" white mulled wine, the protest march came on the field road. And what you could see there was just incredible. Bulls without end. Wonder if it's true, but felt the money was somewhere in participating police 1:5. But whining then quickly back on overtime and overload, love police union ... just yet to shake of the head ... Finally, we
moved us into the Raval to have something to eat. Once again, it should be mentioned: The Raval is just a hammer-scales. Food is always very tasty, rich is one then ever and the price is also still unbeatable. In addition, the simple yet comfortable atmosphere, and the advantage that one is almost always someone hits the familiar, even if one goes alone. Plain and simple genius of the shop.
was called after a short visit to the Jolly it for me then again say goodbye to my night train to get to Zurich. Finally, I wanted the ZürYB Mob Brunch at the "sacked TV star Dani B. * (* name withheld)" not missing. Since it before Jolly still so a lot of beer was and still made a funny cigarette, the round I was pretty struck and fell asleep after a brief reading of the advance already mentioned Fanzine of the fan club broadside pretty quickly. Eventually arrived quite hungover in Zurich, pauses briefly to the Frollenquote and run accident Chnütti about the way the course had the same goal as us. The reception committee waiting for us then already on the roof and the delicious brunch strengthened my strength but a little. The beer tasted but that day is definitely not what was good for nice ;-) "gepöbel" from the stadium. Where I had noted with horror that I tickets for the guest sector for my people (one is tempted to say once again) had forgotten. Oh great ... 90 francs on the ass ... well, who has no head has money or so ... When Horber before the South Stand still quickly tipped a beer (or very slowly, like me ;-)) and then off to the stadium with the intention of the mob-ZürYB then meet again after the game.
I was pretty skeptical about the chances of YB concerned that afternoon. And unfortunately they did in the first half, absolutely right. YB began with one exception, the same as in Neuchatel. For Jemal, who had returned after a yellow lock Affolter started in central defense .... and had started a black raven in the game. Two bad passes by hair-raising early Affolter led to good opportunities for the FCZ, but it would in a scene probably have to give a penalty. YB was long but with luck harmless. However, it was pretty frightening as harmless and especially how our guys appeared emotionless. Opportunities we need to talk in the first half, did not, there was simply no for YB. Clear the FCZ played very smart, always made pressure on the ball carrier and made the space, so that the YB-wing game could unfold even before. But that will not stop because then the other hand, held once surprised me already. Degen and Lulic succeeded on pages one disappointment, Hochstrasser lost in the middle of a duel to duel, Costanzo hardly ever a good pass and Chrigu Schneuwly in Neuchâtel still came up with a great performance, appeared completely from. So it was only a matter of time until the leadership was in FCZ. In one of Djuric sharply cut into the penalty kick, three were suddenly alone in front of Zurich Wölfli and Alphonse no effort the ball at the keeper was powerless to direct over the net. To a reaction of YB they waited in vain. And just before the break, again launched Djuric, who had run away again sword in the back Schönbächler and pushed the ball past the out rushing Wölfli 2-0 online. Then luckily break .... By the time I would have bet no francs to gain points for YB. To uninspired and above all emotion our guys came in yellow on black. Petkovic responded and took the ineffective Schneuwly and the (again ...) indisputable Hochstrasser of the place and brought the two Doubai and Mayuka. He also introduced the 4-1-4-1 to 4-4-2 in a classic. The hoped-for effect, it had not for now. Although YB was now in the majority of possession, partly because of the FCZ produced not so much pressure and are more likely pulled back further, the longer the game lasted. Still remaining a free kick which flew just over from Costanzo housing by Guatelli, the only notable scene of the initial phase of the second half. Only when Petkovic for Sutter Regazzoni and brought to 3-4-3 surrounded YB managed so as to produce something such as pressure. Real scoring chances were indeed still not evident, but it was up to the penalty YB now at least enforce. And shortly after the start of the YB-quarter of an hour it was actually ready. The first real scoring chance from open play Mayuka marked the first goal. A long ball on the penalty extended Costanzo perfectly with the head of Mayuka Guatelli einschoss and played around. YB was now suddenly present and showed passion. Full pressure were repeatedly fired at the sides attacks, sword was suddenly present, and also made Lulic steam again. It was again Mayuka in the penalty area skillfully interspersed in which he cleverly turned his marker. His sharp handing in Bievenu expressed in a duel with a Zurich on hold for no longer possible compensation over the line. All in all a safe happy point. The FCZ has really brought himself to the victory. If they had such a strength, namely the so aggressively and consistently played in the first half, instead of withdrawing, would be doubtful whether it was strong YB would come back again Sun At the end of YB had even more chances to achieve the 2-3, which probably would have definitely been too much of a good thing.
As we once again return to Horber wanted, we had to wait about 20 minutes until the fans were YB which arrived by special train to the station in the buses were. When we met our Horber Ziru Mob Group all over again the very their team excited. Next they were still a nightcap (and I could really consume only analkoholische drinks) into the ZigZag where there were some nice encounters and conversations with South curves-people. So I would like a final of a football day. Unfortunately, this is really only rarely possible. But it is nice that you realize that you're just in the FCZ-Fans, as YB `learning really welcome and we always after an intense game with no problems together can drink a beer or mineral water are equal to go for the jugular. .. I do not necessarily represent any opposing fan running up a drink, but basically I think it is a pity, this relaxation somehow over the years a little lost. The more you enjoy those days when you wear different colors though, but that for more than one or the other "rabble-saying" is used and it usually just spends with good and nice people a relaxed and fun day. My thanks to the "cucumber gang" was fun.
On the way home again realized that I'm just too old for this shit ... ;-) Two hours to come home to feel like 4 before especially from Spiez to Interlaken even drove a fully crowded bus because once again queuing works. If not then sit around annoying to you and your contemporaries Ipod has no more juice to the trivial and to escape silly chatter of these people is really hard. Somehow I got that but still survived and after a relaxed Sleeping sees the world mostly from already much better.
ps. Here's a video of the demo in which I write is clear:
Monday, November 8, 2010
Side Effect Oftetralysal
I was today before work, such as shopping (almost) always a trifle at Lidl.
was there last week an Asian action and still like this today, I discovered Sushi (Remainder). So just directly packed ^ ^

The content and costs 3,95 Euro. But you get:
2x nigiri with smoked salmon
2x nigiri with boiled shrimp
2x California Rolls
1x maki with smoked salmon
1x maki with cucumber
2x Maki with raw tilapia
1x Maki with carrot
to wooden chopsticks, soy sauce, wasabi and ginger.
preparation must not: It all gets out of the cardboard packaging and waits 2-3 hours to thaw the whole thing. must wait too long, but not because otherwise the raw fish begins to bum!
To Taste: How sweet! Is nothing in it to complain about! The stuff is frozen immediately after preparation and after thawing is almost fresh. Is ne good alternative to the restaurant, especially at that price!
For dessert gabs NEN yogurt with litchi and elder flower. Also delicious, if not truly Asia;) because Asians do not eat dairy products!
- - - -
And where we grade on the matter:
My diet is the last time rather poor ... is mainly because I do not really ne diet XD I'll eat what I want and mostly out of boredom ... Only things like chips or chocolate, I have always been reduced! Have recently increased again just under 2 pounds, but I am still just under 4 pounds below my starting weight. All is not lost;)
came to me yesterday the subject an idea: The Asians are due to their diet rather thin! Of course, due to the "traditional" Asian food! What we here in Germany, known as Asia is full of fat and calorie sauces!
I'll try me in the near future to feed more Asian. Rich in vitamins and low in fat! For breakfast, then so jokes like rice soup, and I think that for breakfast is very expensive but ...
However, some think that the Asians for genetic reasons are so thin, after all, put rice in a lot of carbohydrates, which really makes the fat amounts. On the other hand, the Asians are bold, succumb to the non-Asian food ... McDoof can greet;)
The only thing that gives clarity: all try it! At the end I did yesterday in an Asian shop already ordered some ingredients, today in Lidl a few little things and the days I drive into an Asian shop to get to the last ingredients. Will the days of first Peking soup even make ne ^ ^ Some recipes I got from , more ideas can be found here: Recipes and
I will report what's in rum ^ ^
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Mucus Plug Implantation
was called for the fourth time this season it away European Cup! Since the proposed night-special train, unfortunately due to fewer applications did not materialize (Quite interesting that it fills a train to Stuttgart with 800 seats to the last place, it is not possible to move 330 people to go to Denmark ... especially at the end but about 350 Berner were in Odense ....) it was dependent on the regular City Night Line overnight train to Basel directly to Odense. Unfortunately, it did not make the SBB to book us on the trip in a car, which then led to some more "interesting" events .... But first things first. Since the FC Basel on Wednesday his CL home match against Roma austrug and we had stay in Basel for half an hour, a little vigilance was required. And promptly had two "spies" around .... but then nothing is happening.
But the appearance of the train conductor was already in Basel, a negative highlight. It's amazing what prejudices attach football fans now. The guy asked for "the head of the group to speak then what good it was. In the very first sentence he threatened to "federal police" if we did not keep to his instructions. I told him point out that we have given the passengers very rules of the game and he please first contact me with problems should contact our fan support, respectively. As the good Lord to listen but apparently neither was able to revise or preconceived opinions, it was unfortunately only a matter of time before he completely freaked out. The ride itself was actually very civilized, it became a little beer drinking and sometimes sing a little, but that was all really harmless. Nothing broke, no one was molested, nothing. Still, he said in Mannheim with a red face for the police. One policeman stood on the platform, shook his head thereat and said yes there was now no reason to do anything. The train conductor was not calm and the policeman said to us that unfortunately he had the right to make the house right .... na great. The second sleeper Managers, however, was a very affable guy we then gave the Council the easy way to make the types of Fulda. Then have the closing time and he was then the train manager and then everything is no problem anymore.
useful Not really, however, was that he even allowed to smoke in the same compartments where the window would open. This brought his boss, of course even more on the Palm and was rather counterproductive. In Frankfurt, then south 30 bulls were actually on the platform ... but also their team leader tortured shook his head and forces along the train manager why this because of "this bunch of harmless" as a riot doing ;-) In any case, we could then happened an hour later when the train finally Fulda the pleasures of a train ride and had to devote some time to Hanover and well after midnight, but then we lay down to sleep yet. As the train finally arrived an hour late in Odense, there were also some sleep ;-)
We went then to our hotel. Unfortunately, our room was not ready so we left our luggage there and went for breakfast first. Although Odense has 166 `000, and thus larger than the city of Bern has been, with not much to see. The center was manageable small and otherwise made the city more of a sleepy feeling. We finally found a nice restaurant for breakfast and made first acquaintance with the rather high prices. Since we first of all have not had beer, we went even
;-) After a delicious breakfast we looked at the first Chosen by venue where the crew of the cars was also just arrived, and a rather crumpled impression left behind after 15 hours in a Car .... so I would not do to me something more definitive. The Ryan's Pub should be something like our home in the hole ... The owner had contacted us in advance Extra that he would for us usual one, offer two types of beer for a special price, what he did and has yet to three clock kept open extra early for us. Nice touch. The "discounted" cost of beer while still 30 crowns (about 6 francs), the pint, but that was ok but if the normal prices of 46-59 crowns for a beer otherwise see.
check back after the first beer we went to the hotel. What also was a highlight already. We were the first booked hotel Domir transferred to the partner hotel Ydes because we had transferred from a double room in a three-room and in Domir no 3-bed-room everything was free. was at the Repcetion none but the Domir asked over and there. The lady said there yet, but we should just go over there was someone there. So I went once before and Mark and Chrisli collected our luggage. Well, since only one screen and one button press was what you had. After a short time a woman appeared with a headset on the screen which I then checked in via video telephony. All of a sudden in the background on the screen Mark made his faxes. It was the receptionist at the hotel Domir .... weird thing :-)
Since we all still something of the night were struck by the train, we lay out first of all have something and then looked for a restaurant to our hunger . And as luck would we ran of course equal to the same steakhouse as two other groups YB fans ;-) After a very tasty and really good steak and salad bar full, but then it was time for the first beer. And since it also was getting dark already and the Tuborg Classic also very delicious taste, it was not really a reason to leave the pub up to our departure to the stadium again ;-) Some two hours before the game starts so we started walking to the stadium. And from there it slowly began to become uncomfortable .... It started to rain and before the police were hardly noticed suddenly with a massive contingent, ready to accompany us to accompany ... When was it, however. The police came very aggressive and provocative on. People at the end of the march were met with no warning in the back if you ran too close to the bull chain to the end, just like on the page it was now on the sidewalk or street to the center. Outside the stadium, the situation became unbearable and finally even civilian cops showed up looked more like Hools as custodians for order and also according occurred. Our fan support was even threatened with beatings when he wanted information about a prisoner. People were literally driven direction away section and who is not fast enough, just got one with the baton. Also totally unbearable, the arrogant and disrespectful demeanor, even if one with a badge issued by Uefa was fitted vest or carrying a folder of YB ... And you understand me correctly: On the part of the YB-Fans had until then been no provocation towards the police. The few people reacted angrily to the Schubserei is probably nothing more than normal. Also great for bulls the information to the people that no ticket sales have not pretend the block but only at the main entrance. But as you wanted hinlassen anybody. Finally, I managed to get permission but at least with the money waiting to go to the grandstand. There I was told the tickets for the away section were only there in front of the guest block sold .... Aha ... So back to the guest block. There were the remaining serviceable now surrounded by a chain, Bull. And in fact the coffers were now open, but so situated that it does not see the guest entrance was her ....
After running the gauntlet this could finally turn to the sports, so it was also actually went to Odense ... But also because finally outweighed the trouble. The anger at a missed opportunity that is. This would have to beat Odense with a little more courage and determination, not to mention one point win completely. But YB appeared uncertain, dispirited and uninspired, and let the Danes advance in midfield too much space was used primarily two goals Andreasen always about the fast and dangerous Utaka set the scene. After 12 minutes, which came to a shallow corner flew in the direction of five. Bürki hesitated, Bienvenu not responded to the ball flying past on his flank and Andreasen then had no trouble pushing the ball over the line. The reaction of YB: None. Doubai delivered a disastrous first half and was substituted after 45 minutes through the deal, however, not less weak Hochstrasser, Lulic and Rega were struggling on the sides, but hardly ever came through and scoring opportunities were scarce. The best was still the beautiful Doubai after filing Bienvenu from about 14 meters but scored miserably next to the gate. An absolutely deserved break guide for Odense was the result. In the stands the way, not really what was going on, we should definitely have been pretty loud. Only a Odense fan just on the stand next to the away section caused a stir when he tried to provoke us with any character after the 1-0 to Odense. Also there were the folders in the Law and Order, the state of Denmark, of course, quickly on the spot and escorted the man from the stands. Really funny as it was suddenly the same guy for about 10 minutes before closing again appeared on the stands, showed us the finger and then we still held out his bare ass. Of course, the folders were back quickly to have on hand at the intruder out of the stadium. At least something erheitnerndes .... that night after the break YB was a little better start and Bienvenu and especially good Regazzoni awarded compensation opportunities for YB. Rega slipped after good work from Lulic past just inches from the cross from Bienvenu. In the midst of this pressure phase of YB contributed to Hochstrasser at the center line until a stupid loss of the ball and the (least) laudable attempt to make amends for his mistake, he committed the same even after a needless foul. Andreasen curled the ball over the wall and past the helpless Bürki the upper left corner. Then the game was actually running. Odense was limited to the defensive and set yet again with fast counterattacks dangerous needle sticks. YB struggled off vain and remained harmless until the end. YB has thus missed the second place with at least a draw to consolidate. The European away record is now $ but very very bitter. Apart from the sensational victory in Istanbul three games, no points, and 0-9 goals are to book ...
And here we stand so still before the new retreat from the stadium in the city .... and it was again just annoying, provocative and arrogant which listed the police. Again people were beaten without warning or simply because they were shoved out in the opinion of the police fast enough or too far ... It should not be overlooked that, of course, some very excited to encounter the police responded, what the exploit natural relish knew. But something I've really never experienced and I was now already in some countries to play football. As one writer so aptly said in the forum
"I thought until last night, may have this Danish hyggelig still what we now know what the bull is fürn stupid state in which one holds up the facade, a happy world to heal and make the person stick with the bull in the face suggests that this might interfere feigned bliss. "
Well this it also fits that same Zivi of our work with fans outside the stadium still stick with the one on Fry wanted in after the game the city suddenly warned of a friendly Hool group allegedly in the city was on the road and still wanted to attack us. But then nothing happened. So we left the evening at Ryan `s end, and against half past five I had my hotel bed, but then again. had only wanted to fool us 2 hours later to get up again ;-)
Chrisli Finally on Friday and I still win St.Pauli see if it did not work even with the YB-away win. Mark also accompanied us to Flensburg. After me, the two had a few efforts but still got awake, went quickly into the breakfast room, there still standing quickly drank a juice and some bread with cheese and to bring stuffed ham ;-) Lüku would have been proud of us ;-)
After uneventful 8 hours by train we arrived at half past four Dortmund where we stay at a friend of mine that we would have expected. Then more quickly bought a few beers, picked up the already ordered pizza and devoured, and then we went even to Gelsenkirchen. Match day in the Ruhr is always a highlight. What you can see because of robes and scarf skirt carriers is unique ;-) Unfortunately, I could take any pictures because my camera on the journey to Odense on the train was left lying ....
In Gelsenkirchen main station once again be able to witness the mindless logic of the police. Fans of St. Pauli clothes were on an escalator to the tram does not let through but refers to the buses. So back, scarves in a short pocket, back towards the escalator and hey presto it was through ... when you consider that those clients who want to laugh just beating just do not wear team colors, really only for. However, we have smoked
had finally taken the better coaches .... you buy the vehicles must be one that is very strong stuff. The vehicles were just two cars and drove the would not be such as to expect at a football game permanently with 60 `000 spectators, but maybe every 10 minutes at most ... consequence: used for one hour and forty minutes from central station to the stadium ... So if I would have something do to every other weekend ... no thanks. Which brings us already on the next offense. This hall, uh this "stadium" is no longer really. Even just the closed roof, that the feeling is in a completely over-sized gym to be going, not at all easy. And I thought now I was accustomed to so much good stuff YB regarding advertising during the game. Nope, Schalke beats the lengths to. And because I'm already so good at nagging: The guests standing area is also quite a bad design. A relatively large block when compared with other stages. But the only two inputs are each center created in the block which is really complete nonsense now. This led to the situation in parts of the block was still massive space available, people jammed but follows on the inputs that almost impossible to get through was more. Clearly the success at the behavior of people together can not even make a few steps down or sideways when you see that it is getting tight. But inputs defuse the top or the bottom of the block but this problem considerably. Which brings me to my next annoying issue. What is now in St. Pauli block away is just plain embarrassing romps. Not enough that one course as an idiotic miners card must get to then moderately reinzuschütten beer and then come in the block and there is a constant. No, it is as little as 90 minutes, the door and held more than once railed against USP. Half of the block would have the game can also check out loose on the TV. Then they would not have been disturbed by USP while drinking beer, and vice versa, the mood would have been much better. And the space problem would be solved by itself ... 1st Division well and good, but if we put more and more of those fans I need the Bundesliga .... not really sporty, it was the first really poor performance. St.Pauli said in the first half at least had one or the other option, especially Deniz Naki just before the break it 1-0 for Schalke by Raul would have to compensate. In the second half, but went no more, no run-readiness, not a fight and so you bring not only in the first division a potted plant ... The 3-0 for Schalke went absolutely fine. The relatively good start with these three defeats in a row quite there. Especially as a block on the table reveals that we are mainly against teams ranked behind us points have leave. It is hoped that Stan can drive out the guys nonsense very quickly. The next two home matches against Leverkusen and Wolfsburg are far from easy and still has to be spotted ... Anything less than good condition ... I am still convinced that the The quality team has to keep in the league, and it takes all of 90 minutes most use only with playful means we can not continue to exist.